What is Destiny by Design?
Every person on earth was designed with a call of God on their lives.
Most people don’t recognize that it has been there all along and is not going away.
Do you know what God’s call is on your life?
Do you know how to discover it?
Do you know how to help others realize theirs?
Destiny by Design was created to help people answer these questions.

Why Destiny By Design
Destiny by Design was originally created as a full teaching week for Discipleship Training School (DTS). It focuses on the following DTS curriculum requirements:
God’s calling, identity in Christ, gifts/calling/destiny, strengthening your personal relationship with God, hearing God’s voice, and sharing the Gospel.
Destiny by Design is being used in:
- churches
- small groups
- schools
- camps
- weekend retreats
- youth groups
- Youth With A Mission/University of the Nations
Destiny by Design has been taught in over 75 countries, and includes a full color Workbook for each participant, which helps to take the teaching deeper. The Workbook is currently available in 30+ languages.

Destiny by Design had its beginning at the University of the Nations in Kona, Hawaii in the year 2000. Working with students in the Discipleship Training School (DTS), I (Gwen Bergquist) saw that although they loved their DTS and grew to know God more, many still did not know what He wanted them to do with their lives. I also realized that if each person did what they were passionate about and did it for the glory of God, every area of society would be influenced for the Kingdom.
I began to see that God has placed a “destiny” in each person’s heart. By looking at the unique way each individual is designed, we can discover keys to our destiny, or calling!
What people are saying about us!
“Destiny by Design is a simple yet brilliant teaching! Its purpose is to help people identify and extract the gifts of God within them, pointing them toward His destiny for their lives.”